There are more than a thousand historical societies, family history groups, keeping places, and community heritage groups across Australia. This interactive map captures some of these. Is your Society listed?
Use the interactive map by clicking on the pins to find your local group and their contact details, or search by group name or location.

49 Gaunson Crescent, Wanniassa ACT, Australia

42 Bolaro Street, Dunedoo NSW, Australia

5 Melita Cres, Wilsonton Heights QLD 4350, Australia

191-193 Merrigang Street, Bowral NSW 2576, Australia

Prince St & Grey Street, Clarence Town NSW, Australia

1 Surrey St, Bassendean WA 6054, Australia

Harbour Rd, Wyndham WA 6740, Australia

151 Melbourne Street, Mulwala, NSW, 2647, Australia

3444 Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama, NSW, 2580, Australia

Tourist Information Centre, Umang St, Tottenham, NSW, 2873, Australia

Tenterfield Railway Museum, Railway St, Tenterfield, NSW, 2372, Australia

43 - 47 Kingdon Street, Scone, NSW, 2337, Australia